Special Technical Features
- Excellent resistance to chemical compounds, found in soil.
- Excellent UV resistance.
- Excellent resistance to bitumen and hydro carbon compounds.
- Excellent resistance to water and seawater.
- Non biodegradable.
- Easy to install, flexible & contour easily around corners and footings.
- Has no friction on the membrane, applied easily on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
- Membrane colour white, others colours available upon request.
Installation Method
Depending on type of application, design work and site condition, general tips on Geotextile application requirement are stated as follows:
- Generally the surface on which the geotextile is to be placed, shall be smooth surface free from debris and large cavity.
- The fabric shall be placed loosely, no wrinkles and or folds.
- Placing the Geotextile in close contact with the soil so that no void or spaces occur behind
- In roofing application, TexoFib fabrics must be applied on a sound clean substrate, on either thermal insulation board and waterproofing membranes
- Underground, earth and road works all excavation should be completed.
- Geotextile shall be joined by either sewing or overlapping. Overlapped fabrics shall have a minimum of 300 mm overlap.
- Safety measure. Once installation has been completed, avoid any unnecessary traffic on the membrane, avoid punching by construction equipment.